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Een manier om snel te gronden

Er zijn veel manieren die ik gebruik om te ‘gronden’ op stressvolle momenten. Mijn lijf speelt daar een cruciale rol in. Bijvoorbeeld door te ademen naar mijn buik, door te bewegen en/of door mijn lichaamshouding te veranderen.

Recent kwam ik een prachtig gedicht tegen, dat me meteen hielp om me geaard te voelen, alleen maar door te lezen. Automatisch ging ik rustiger ademen naar mijn buik toe en voelde ik me stevig. Misschien kan het jou ook dienen!

Geniet van het lezen!


Be present. Be here.
Feel your feet on the ground,
your belly rising and falling.
Be open and receptive
to the life all around you.
The sounds, smells, tastes.
Feelings rising unexpectedly.
A tingling in the belly.
A contraction in the throat.
Heaviness in the head.
An old sadness coming to visit.
Stay curious as the moment dances.

Listen. Listen with your entire body.
Hear yourself. Hear the other person.
Hear the silence in between the sentences.
Let the silence linger a little while longer.
There’s no rush. There’s no ‘better’ moment to get to.
Silence doesn’t always need to be filled.
Be a little more naked. A little slower.
Know a little less what you’re about to say.
Be a little less prepared, a little messier,
a little more willing to expose your vulnerable heart.
Be surprised at your own responses.
Don’t numb yourself with the same old stories.
Stumble if you need to. It’s okay. You are held.
Let your words emerge from silence and return to them.

Notice if you’re talking just to avoid the silence.
Notice if you’re regurgitating a story you’ve told before.
Notice if you’re trying to impress, or win love.
Or avoid being seen for who you really are.

Friend, in silence we truly meet.
Genuine understanding is beyond mind.
Love is wordless; needs no more words.
Listen to the silence; it is volcanic.

– Jeff Foster

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